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Are the controls Z M K L on purpose to make it harder?
I might be slightly biased with QWERTZ keyboard, but I can imagine even QWERTY users wouldn't be too happy with these controls. It was quite hard to finish even the first level.
Why don't you simply use WASD or arrow keys?

ivane5 responds:

Apparently I was quite biased by my personal experience, now I'm reconsidering my assumptions.

I'll issue and update with different possible input setups(WASD included).

Thanks for feedback! :)


Added new key schemes

It looks very good. Just some things:

– The movement speed could be slightly faster. All the characters look like they are "slowly running" when you move
– If you jump in an opposite direction (e.g. face right, jump, hold left arrow), the sprite doesn't change to reflect that (= you still face right)
– Jumping on lava tiles kills you, OK, but jumping on platforms elevated from lava which look safe harms you as well (which means insta-kill for the archer)
– More ways to regain health would be neat. There's the priestess, but I only found one and it was quite complicated to reach her
– I was really thrilled when I found out the "zombies" can climb. Great job on that!
– If you run out of lives, you are instantly taken to the menu without even seeing the "You're dead" message. AND (!) if you start a new game then, you die instantly with your NEW character and appear at a checkpoint from you previous playthrough

But most important of all; I think the game could really use some sort of hinting where you need to go. We've got the map, which is fine, but it shows all the stuff you will eventually need to collect and with the world as open and vast as it is, you can wander in +- six directions, each of which forking into more paths.
I started the game three times and didn't even find the water shoes. Yet I wandered through many different environments, found three items I couldn't reach yet, killed plenty of enemies (which didn't cause a trouble) and eventually got killed by lava or acid (which caused a lot of trouble) when I reached a dead end.
You don't have to point out a specific glowing X on the map, but you could add some more natural obstacles in the directions that shouldn't be explored yet (for example a "lake" which requires the blue shoes) – early, not after you go the wrong way all the way up/down.

Overall, I am glad I tried out the game. It has really neat graphics and animations, three different playable characters which is always a plus, and it can keep you entertained for quite a while; so my biggest complaint here is probably the navigation.

82 farmers with 123 tractors, silos and barns to harvest 6×6 farming patch? Well, WHY NOT! :)

I just feel there was too large gap between "Helper" ($25,000) and "Mansion" ($1,000,000), so I began to lose interest when I was around 100k and needed 900k more to buy the next item in list.
In general, it was way easier to gather clicks than gold - perhaps something that enhances gold income would be good, so the gold/click values would stay more or less even. Or faster level-ups, so you can afford the more advanced crops.

But it's good to see you try something new. It was a neat game.

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks! It's tricky balancing everything out!

A great ending to a wonderful series.
I have always adored your sense of humour. It shows in all your games (Esotericism of Bargo :D) but I always felt we see most of it in Riddle School – and now we finally got a worthy closure to the story.
Good luck with whatever you decide to create in the future. I believe it will be just as amazing. ;)

In these jump precision games it is always helpful to see where your feet are, so you can time your jumps better. Half the times I fell here it was because I jumped too early/too late in attempt to jump from an edge.
Also, because you always need to jump while holding Shift, it might make more sense to make sprinting enabled by default.
Good luck with the game.

Good start, but it could use some polishing.
For example; please disable screen scrolling with arrow keys, because it makes your game really user unfriendly – the screen goes up with the up arrow and I had to scroll back down constantly. Try something like this:
Or simply use WASD instead of arrow keys.
Then, the score counter is black, but so is the background – you can't read the numbers.
And your character has a black border, which is visible when you fall through the "green box".

In the current state, your game can be entertaining for a while, but it needs more work.

Before I say anything else – I really adore the television look. Some care must have been put there to make the screen and paddle movement curvy and I like it.

Furthermore, well, it's Pong, it's simple, so I don't have any remarks here, but the main downside of this game is probably the absence of computer AI. If there was some kind of switch to make computer control one of the players, it would be great. There are some tips how to do that for example here:
Just don't forget to make the computer somehow beatable (e.g. slow paddle speed).

Good luck!

A neat game!
I like the idea, it might be a good base for a great platformer game if you decide to invest more time in it. It is probably the best you could have accomplished in such a short time frame.
Some things you might consider improving:
– There's a lot of walking on dirt. I completed the game and didn't feel like there was any challenge, any real danger. The jumping was quite ordinary and enemies (just one kind of enemy) ceased to be a problem when you became able to shoot. So maybe… more enemies? More kinds of platforms? More sources of water (e.g. rain, waterfall, geyser)? Health? Whatever you want.
– The third guy is probably slow by concept and that is fine, but remember to speed him up a bit if you decide to make the levels more challenging (or it's probably going to be a bit frustrating)
– Play a sound when shooting fire?
– (Just a personal note) It's helpful for some players if you can avoid using "Z" as a control key, because in whole Central Europe (and few other countries elsewhere) "Z" is switched with "Y" on keyboards and that makes controlling the character a bit unfriendly.
– I found water that didn't kill me:
– A game-breaking bug that made me start the game over. If you step on breakable platform and let it break and reappear, it won't break for the second time (it seemed like more platforms were generated on top of each other). In this particular situation, you won't be able to proceed further:

Hope that helped a bit and good luck in the competition! :)

leronir responds:

Wow, nice review!

I really appreciate your time to write it all down. We noticed dthe breaking platform bug, but assumed it won't be a problem, we're so wrong haha.
We will let the game fastest in general, increase the speed of all characters, we just can't do it while the game is on trial, because it wouldn't be fair.
Also, we really want to improve the game design and level design in general, your notes will be considered to do that.
I didn't know about the "z" "y" button, originally it would be "x", maybe we change back.

Thanks for your feedback!

This is actually quite enjoyable, well done. I'd recommend you to shorten the time interval when your car is burning after crash, because before you get the general grip how to play this game, you crash a couple of times and waiting several seconds to restart the game can feel a bit annoying.

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